Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Weekly Radio Show: November 2

(This posting stuck toward the top for a few days. Please scroll down)

Listen to The Gathering Storm Radio Show, which WC and I cohost. The show broadcasts live every Friday for one hour at noon, Pacific Time.

The call-in number is (646) 915-9870.

Callers welcome!

Friday, November 2: Three interviewees, LA Sunsett of Political Yen/Yang: Balanced Commentary for Political Centrists, Karridine, and Simon of Power and Control, will be joining us for this week's show.

Karridine, one of our interviewees at the top of the hour, recently released the song "Wanna Go Home (GI's Lament)," honoring our men and women in our military. You can read the lyrics HERE and hear a clip HERE. Karridine views this moving piece of music as his contribution to the Fighting Forces protecting America and freedom, in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the world. "Soldier's Lament" has always been I Wanna Go Home, WHEN I've done an honorable job for my nation, family and friends. We are going to play the song on the air and discuss its message and origins.

Karridine was referred to The Gathering Storm Radio Show by Simon of the Power and Control blog. Simon and Karridine have been online buddies for several years. Simon, who believes that "Wanna Go Home" is the song for the Iraq War, has a background in both computer and radio technology and will also be joining us at the top of the hour.

LA Sunsett is our interviewee for the second half of the hour. According to his profile, LA is a political independent that belongs to no political party. I base my political ideology solely on principle, and not by daily talking points.... He blogs a variety of topics. We plan to discuss with LA our foreign policy toward Iran and his concerns about the Patriot Act.

If you are unable to listen live to the radio show, you can listen to recordings of the radio broadcasts later by CLICKING HERE.

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