Saturday, September 10, 2005

New charges against ISA graduate Abu Ali

From Jihad Watch: American Muslim honor student indicted in plot to kill Bush

New charges against Ahmed Omar Abu Ali of Falls Church unveiled (pun intended, given his mother's affectation for the niqab, or face covering).

"The new nine-count indictment also adds charges of conspiracy to commit aircraft piracy and destroy aircraft, part of the Justice Department's allegations that Abu Ali was plotting with al Qaeda to conduct a Sept. 11-style attack in the United States that would include hijacking planes."

Northern Virginiastan has covered Abu Ali extensively.

In other news, the US Appeals Court for the Fourth Circuit ruled that "dirty bomb" suspect Jose Padilla AKA Abdullah Al Mujahir (Abdullah "the foreigner") can be held without charges, thereby reversing a lower court's decision that Padilla should be charged or let go.

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