Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Map of Islamic Terrorist Attacks

Before I started the Northern Virginiastan blog, I created and maintained the Islamic Monitor web site. Long before 9/11, I was alarmed at the demands of CAIR and a whole alphabet soup of other Muslim organizations. I never expected 9/11, but I feared the creeping, stealthy Islamicization of American society. This fear, or whatever you call it, was borne out of my experiences with Muslim classmates in graduate school.

I quit updating the Islamic Monitor site, as after 9/11, a whole group of web sites and blogs were doing what I was doing, but a whole lot better. I created the Northern Virginiastan blog with a view to "Think Globally, Act Locally." While the web site stats for Islamic Monitor spiked dramatically after 9/11, I occasionally still get comments about some of my pages, such as Haiqa Khan, nee Jemima Goldsmith, about the (now divorced) wife of Pakistani cricketeer-turned-politician Imran Khan (she has returned to the social whirl in London and rumor has it that Hugh Grant is going to propose to her anyday now) and A Strong Muslim Woman Writes to Islamic Monitor! - I just received a very nice email from a woman in the UK congratulating me for how I responded to the SMW.

Now I've taken up another project. I was inspired by The Bloody Borders Project started by Baron Bodissey of Gates of Vienna. I noted that his data ends on February 22. For a week now, I've been taking the data from The Religion of Peace and tagging them by latitude and longitude through Tagzania to create a map of terrorist attacks in the last week. You may see the results via the Acme GeoRSS viewer or Tagzania.

Map of Islamic Terrorist Attacks Since May 3, 2006

While the results are modest compared to what The Baron has done, this is a worthwhile project and I will continue to update it.

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